A Visit to Glitter Gulch — Major Las Vegas Attractions — Post #5

For a longer excursion from Las Vegas, take a drive to Death Valley National Park to witness some of the most beautiful and dramatic scenery in the West. The park is huge (!) so be prepared to drive hundreds of miles. Death Valley is located about 100 miles from Vegas in nearby California.

While in the park, be sure to walk to Badwater, the lowest point in the Western Hemisphere, 282 feet below sea level.


Nearby, Artist’s Drive is an illustration of some of the most colorful scenery in the park. In particular, Artist’s Palette is gorgeous.

Artist’s Palette

Dante’s Peak offers a glimpse of the entire valley with its stark and otherwordly landscape.

Dante’s View

Zabriskie Point captures the essence of the experience with its undulating badlands and interesting tones.

Zabriskie Point

The Devil’s Golf Course is a huge collection of dirty salt crystals.

Devil’s Golf Course




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