Best of Denali National Park

     Denali is a name given to what I knew as Mount McKinley when I was growing up. In the native Athabascan language of this part of Alaska, it means “the high one.” In fact, it is a very “high one.” the tallest mountain in North America, at 20,320 feet.  Although once fairly inaccessible, in the interior of Alaska, the area is now visited by over a million people each year, most associated with cruise tours which transport tourists by bus and/or train.

      This national park is a true wilderness with many parts unexplored. Unfortunately for many visitors, the summit of Mt McKinley is often obscured by clouds, since it makes its own weather. We did not see the summit while we were in the park, but were able to see it from the highway on our way to Fairbanks (I believe we were about 50 miles away when we stopped to see it).

Denali Uncovered

         Our excursions within the park were all about the spectacular scenery and the wildlife. For instance, Inspiration Point was a particularly beautiful vista.

Inspiration Point

    The entire area featured gorgeous views of mountains, rivers, and lakes.

Sunset at Denali NP

    We saw a number of moose while in the park.


  Most of the other wildlife we saw were small mammals and birds.

Snowshoe Hare


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