Best of Glacier National Park

      Hurry up and visit Glacier National Park in northern Montana soon, because scientists are saying the main feature of the park, the glaciers, are receding at a rapid rate and may disappear in the not-too-distant future. Glacier is truly a gem of the National Park System. The scenery is positively incredible and can be easily accessed by one of the premier scenic drives in America, Going-to-the-Sun Road. The road, cut into precipitous cliffs, which traverses the entire width of the park through Logan Pass, is a heart-stopping and hard-to-keep-your-eyes-on-the-road trip through some of the most spectacular mountain scenery in the world. Rocky Mountain Goats, with their long white coats, are a common feature in the higher elevations.

     Be sure to stop frequently at the many obervation points and also spend some time walking the many trails available in the park.

     St Mary’s Lake lies in the eastern part of the park.

St Mary's Lake

      Check out the view of Bird Woman Falls.

Bird Woman Falls

  Beargrass is a common feature of the Alpine meadows in Glacier National Park.


    Expansive and arresting vistas are a dominant characteristic of this fabulous national park.

Glacier NP Vista


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