Best of Puerto Vallarta

      Puerto Vallarta is one of Mexico’s most popular resort areas. It has long been a destination for cruises ships, especially those originating on the West Coast of the US. Before that, it was a more-subdued version of Acapulco. The town actually became famous during the filming of “The Night of the Iguana,” when actor Richard Burton had his famous “fling” with Elizabeth Taylor.

     The town is cute and fairly easy to walk, especially the boardwalk along the beachfront, known as the Malecon. It is attractively adorned with sculptures, one of which, the “Boy on a Seahorse,” has become the city’s symbol.

Boy on a Seahorse Sculpture

   Other sculptures include this one

Public Art on the Malecon

and this one.

Puerto Vallarta Sculptures

    The most prominent landmark in town is the Guadeloupe Church whose distinctive crown-topped steeple can be seen from virtually anywhere in the city.

Our Lady of Guadelupe Church

     Other scenes from the Old Town are characteristic of the lifestyle and architecture of the area.

Puerto Vallarta


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