Every tourist destination has it’s attractions. However, because every tourist is different, these attractions have greater or lesser value. In this series Gary’s gives his reasons for traveling to a particular place. Hopefully some of his thoughts will entice you to consider adding this particular place to your itinerary. The entire series is being categorized under the heading, “Spotlights.” You may find more about these locations in the archives of this website, under headings such as, “Great Places,” “Things to Do in,” “Best of,” “Top 10” and “Places of a Lifetime.” In addition, there may be “Walking Tours” of these places available for purchase on the website for the low price of $1.49 each.
Athens is the epicenter of Ancient Greece and its remarkable culture which heralded the birth of Western Civilization. Everything in Athens was the epitome of perfection, from its architecture to its politics. Include Athens in your European itinerary for at least the following reasons:
1. The Parthenon is still considered one of the world’s most beautiful buildings because of its glorious symmetry and its incredible detail.
2. Wander around the Acropolis to see other important structures from the heyday of Athens.
3. Elsewhere in the city center are other important temples which serve as reminders of the magnificence of Athens and Greek Civilization.
4. One of Athens’ most popular gathering places is Syntagma Square where the country’s government buildings are located.