Mountains of the USA — East

Mountains are wondrous things. They dominate the landscape where they exist. Geologically they are formed from an uplift, either from tectonic plates colliding or an up-welling from beneath the Earth as in a volcano.  Usually they are not alone, although some volcanoes may be. More often they are found in ranges. The Mountains of the USA are varied and prominent especially in the Western part of America where the younger and taller Rockies exist and in the East where the ancient Appalachians are slowly being worn down by erosion.

This installment features some of the more significant mountains of the Eastern USA, part of the Appalachian Chain which originated some 250 million years ago when North America and Europe were united.

Mount Washington, New Hampshire — The tallest mountain in New England is located within the White Mountains. As mountains go, it is not very big, only about a mile high, but for the East it rises impressively above the landscape.

Mount Washington

Mount Monadnock, New Hampshire — This is one of New England’s favorite climbing locations. It is located in southern NH, near the border with Massachusetts.

Mount Monadnock

Stone Mountain, Georgia — Not really a mountain, but rather a giant stone monolith, Stone Mountain is a popular excursion from nearby Atlanta for its state park and for the sculpture of Confederate leaders in its face.

Stone Mountain

Seneca Rocks, West Virginia — This distinctive, narrow ridge of rock is a popular destination for rock-climbers.

Seneca Rocks


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