During my years in the military, an After-Action Report was produced following each and every mission. The report was designed to include positives, negatives, lessons learned, etc, so that future mission would have a greater chance of success. Since Road Trip 2013 was our first major trip since I learned of my cancer, I think it is fitting that I do an After-Action Report.
Trip was an overall success — check
Gary was able to drive long distances in a single day — check
We handled full days of sightseeing — check w/reservations — we were more tired than usual at the end of a long day
Enjoyment was not hampered by cancer — check
New car was comfortable — check
Elephant-in-the-Room was an obstacle — sometimes
Relationships and contact with other people were typical — not so much; there were some differences in dealings with close friends and family
Emotions were controlled — not always; there was a considerable amount of nostalgia and many tears
Trip length (3 weeks) was acceptable — yes for Gary, no for Lee (she would prefer shorter trips and shorter driving days)