My Personal Cancer Journey — Love & Support

Perhaps the most amazing aspect of my illness has been the outpouring of support and well-wishing from friends and family. You never truly know how people feel about you until there is a crisis where they can choose to participate with you or not. The number of people who have made sincere offers of help and assistance since I announced that I have cancer has been astounding. Even people that I don’t know all that well have said, “Let me know if there is anything that I can do.”

You have restored my faith in mankind. So much of what we are exposed to on a daily basis in the media portrays humans as uncaring, inconsiderate, and downright cold. Obviously this is not true on a personal level. People do care and openly offer their services to those in need. We need to see more of these types of stories in the news! We need to know that we are not battling alone, against the odds.

Thank you, friends and family, for your loving support. My already positive attitude can only be enhanced and bolstered by your heartfelt offers of assistance and prayers.

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