We who are near the end of our lives are frequently asked to give advice to younger folks about life. Since reading has been an important part of my life, I have decided that I would share my top books with my readers. Beginning with novels (my favorite genre), I will list my top 100 of all time. For brevity sake I will list them in groups of ten, arranged alphabetically by author. Let me know if you agree or disagree with my selections. See how many you have read. Enjoy!
21. Chabon, Michael – The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay
22. Clancy, Tom — The Hunt for Red October (and the remainder of the Jack Ryan series: Without Remorse, Patriot Games, Red Rabbit, Cardinal of the Kremlin, Clear and Present Danger, Sum of All Fears, Debt of Honor, Executive Order, Rainbow Six, The Bear and the Dragon, The Teeth of the Tiger)
23. Conrad, Joseph — Heart of Darkness
24. Conrad, Joseph — Lord Jim
25. Cooper, James Fenimore — Last of the Mohicans
26. Crane, Stephen — Red Badge of Courage
27. de Balzac, Honore’ — Pere Goriot
28. Dickens, Charles — A Tale of Two Cities
29. di Lampedusa, Guiseppe — The Leopard
30. Dos Passos, John — USA Trilogy