We who are near the end of our lives are frequently asked to give advice to younger folks about life. Since reading has been an important part of my life, I have decided that I would share my top books with my readers. Beginning with novels (my favorite genre), I will list my top 100 of all time. For brevity sake I will list them in groups of ten, arranged alphabetically by author. Let me know if you agree or disagree with my selections. See how many you have read. Enjoy!
71. Mailer, Norman – The Naked and the Dead
72. Mann, Thomas – Magic Mountain
73. Marquez, Gabriel Garcia – Love in the Time of Cholera
74. Marquez, Gabriel Garcia – One Hundred Years of Solitude
75. Maugham, William Somerset – Of Human Bondage
76. McCullough, Carson – The Thornbirds
77. Melville, Herman – Moby Dick
78. Mitchell, Margaret – Gone With the Wind
79. Morrison, Toni — Beloved
80. Orwell, George – Animal Farm