Where in the World is Gary? #134

This new series is a throwback to the game, “Where in the World is Carmen San Diego?” I will give a brief description of a place, including its latitude and longitude and several “interesting” facts about the location. I will also try to include a picture or two from my visit to the place. You, the reader, can then hazard a guess to answer the question posed in the game.

I will reveal the correct location on the following day. Hopefully, this type of post will encourage interaction and perhaps stimulate comments. Good Luck!

The answer to yesterday’s place (#133) is Tulum, Quintana Roo, Mexico

Where in the World is Gary?  #134

Latitude — 36° 23′ North

Longitude — 105° 34′ West

This UNESCO World Heritage Site is an excellent example of communal living, not that different from 1,000 years ago.

Communal Living Apartments

Communal Living Apartments

The Natives here launched the only successful  Indian revolt against the Spanish in 1680 and still live, work and attend Mass here.

San Geronimo Church

San Geronimo Church

Kit Carson and D H Lawrence once lived in the nearby village here. The town is now a famous Artist colony.

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