Where in the World is Gary? #205

This new series is a throwback to the game, “Where in the World is Carmen San Diego?” I will give a brief description of a place, including its latitude and longitude and several “interesting” facts about the location. I will also try to include a picture or two from my visit to the place. You, the reader, can then hazard a guess to answer the question posed in the game.

I will reveal the correct location on the following day. Hopefully, this type of post will encourage interaction and perhaps stimulate comments. Good Luck!

The answer to yesterday’s place (#204) is Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Where in the World is Gary?    #205

Latitude — 46° 58′ North

Longitude — 103° 27′ West

This place features badlands galore.



It consists of two sections, miles apart, which are both on the Little Missouri River. This place commemorates a great conservationist who owned ranches here. This place is also known for it accessible wildlife.

American Bison

American Bison


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