Where in the World is Gary? #6

This new series is a throwback to the game, “Where in the World is Carmen San Diego?” I will give a brief description of a place, including its latitude and longitude and several “interesting” facts about the location. I will also try to include a picture or two from my visit to the place. You, the reader, can then hazard a guess to answer the question posed in the game.

I will reveal the correct location on the following day. Hopefully, this type of post will encourage interaction and perhaps stimulate comments. Good Luck!

The answer to yesterday’s place (#5) is Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Where in the World is Gary? #6

Latitude — 39º 54′ North

Longitude — 116º 23′ East

This city contains the largest public square in the world. Lee & Gary in Tiananmen Square.jpg

There are over 20 million people in the greater metro area. This city hosted the 2008 Summer Olympic Games. ph-11403A former royal palace in the center of town contains almost 1000 buildings and was totally off-limits for 500 hundred years while it was the seat of power.

Winter Palace

Winter Palace

The summer palace of the rulers here claims to have the longest corridor in the world and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

On the Long Corridor

On the Long Corridor



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