This UNESCO World Heritage Site represents a good example of a typical British Colonial city in Canada. Keep in mind, during your walk, that the overall ambience is more important than individual buildings (although, if you are very interested, the Visitor Center can provide a listing of historic homes and their addresses). Lunenburg was also the home base for the Bluenose, the schooner whose likeness can be seen on the Canadian dime. The legendary boat was an undefeated champion within the fishing fleet and also a victor in numerous sailing races.
My walk begins on the harbor, where the Bluenose II, a replica of the original, is docked, when in port. From the center of the wharf area, walk one block north to Montague Street and turn left. When you reach Cornwallis Street, turn right. Make note of some of the historic homes along the way.
Several blocks ahead, on the left, is the Zion Lutheran Church. It was built in 1776 and contains the bell from Louisbourg Fortress. Now, turn left on York Street and then cross Kuhlbach Street to see the distinctive, yet charming, Lunenburg Academy.
Next, walk south (toward the waterfront) on Kuhlbach Street and then turn left onto Townsend Street. You will pass more historic properties here, especially on the left side of the road. Further ahead, also on the left, is the lovely St John’s Anglican Church, established in 1734. Its interesting architecture requires a closer look.
Now, continue east on Townsend Street to Hopson Street and turn right, and then right again on Lincoln Street. When you reach King Street, turn left to return to the docks where the walking tour began. Before leaving the town, consider walking down to the Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic, on Bluenose Drive, to the west..