Western Caribbean Cruise — Day 5 — At Sea

This was the second of our four days at sea on this cruise. We spent most of the day enjoying some of the many shipboard activities. Lee & I took part in a Geography Trivia Contest — we only got 7 out of 12 right. We also sat by the pool reading and then played the “dice game” with our group in the Card Room.

For dinner, we decided to avoid the main dining room, where we tend to overeat — we seem to always find an appetizer, a salad or soup, an entree, and a dessert that we are interested in trying. Instead we had paninis in the Bistro on 5 — a nice change of pace.

The entertainment this evening was provided by an opera singer from England — another departure from the traditional stuff. I only took one picture today, of Lee & I:

Lee & Gary in the Theater


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