Every tourist destination has its attractions. However, because every tourist is different, these attractions have greater or lesser value. In this series Gary gives his reasons for traveling to a particular place. Hopefully some of his thoughts will entice you to consider adding this particular place to your itinerary. The entire series is being categorized under the heading, “Spotlights.” You may find more about these locations in the archives of this website, under headings such as, “Great Places,” “Things to Do in,” “Best of,” “Top 10” and “Places of a Lifetime.” In addition, there may be “Walking Tours” of these places available for purchase on the website for the low price of $1.49 each.
Vienna is another of Europe’s stately and grand capital cities. As the home of the Hapsburg dynasty, considerable wealth was infused into the city’s architecture. No trip to Europe should exclude Vienna for at least the following reasons:
1. The Hofburg was the primary residence of the Holy Roman Emperors for many years. This regal complex dominates the city center.
2. Of course, monarchs needed another residence, to escape the sweltering heat of the European summer, and in Vienna, that summer palace is Schonbrunn, a huge mansion with extensive gardens on the outskirts of the city.
3. Many other well-to-do Austrians lived in Vienna, as well, and built lovely palaces in which to live and entertain.
5. One cannot visit Vienna without becoming immersed in composer Johann Strauss, who is idolized here as the father of the waltz.