Best of Everglades National Park

    The Everglades has a mystery to it; it often invokes fear, fear of getting lost, or fear of alligators. However, it can be a wonderful place to visit, filled with thriving wildlife. Just don’t come here in the summer — the bugs, especially mosquitoes, are everywhere, and the heat is positively oppressive. Our first visit was during the latter time; we had to practically run to the car at each stop to avoid getting bitten and to take refuge in the air-conditioning. The second time was much more delightful and we truly enjoyed the experience.

     Of course, we saw alligators in great numbers


     and, on the Anhinga Trail, we saw a number of these birds who love to sun themselves when they are not fishing.

Anhinga Sunning

    The landscape is basically the same throughout the park, with grasses dominating the botany and an occasional copse with low trees or shrubs.

Everglades Landscape


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