Why Go to the Badlands?

Every tourist destination has its attractions. However, because every tourist is different, these attractions have greater or lesser value. In this series Gary gives his reasons for traveling to a particular place. Hopefully some of his thoughts will entice you to consider adding this particular place to your itinerary. The entire series is being categorized under the heading, “Spotlights.” You may find more information about these locations in the archives of this website, under headings such as, “Great Places,” “Things to Do in,” “Best of,” “Top 10” and “Places of a Lifetime.” In addition, there may be “Walking Tours” of these places available for purchase on the website for the low price of $1.49 each.

Badlands National Park is located along Interstate 90 in western South Dakota. For easterners, it is one of the first major attractions that one confronts in westward travel. The landscape is eerie and moon-like, with striated bands of colorful sandstone. Don’t miss the Badlands for at least the following reasons:

1. Very little appears to grow in this unusual and yet evocative landscape.

Badlands Rock Formations

Badlands Rock Formations

2. Muted colors abound as one encounters the many interesting park overlooks.

Colors Galore

Colors Galore

3. One can easily imagine how hostile this environment must have been to early travelers in the region.

Badlands Vista

Badlands Vista



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