Halls are often used as entryways into an establishment or they may be special rooms within a building. As such there are many halls around the world associated with various tourist sites. These are some of the memorable halls we have encountered in our travels. Note that I have not included “city halls” in this series.
Hall in Tyrol, Austria — This “hall” is not part of a building but is actually a town in the Austrian Alps, near Innsbruck. The town is delightful to stroll and is compact and interesting.
Golden Hall (Musikverein), Vienna, Austria — This is one of the most acoustically perfect venues in the world.
Hall of Mirrors, Versailles, France — This opulent masterpiece is the epitome of wealth and power.
Royal Albert Hall, London, England — This “hall” is one of London’s most famous and popular entertainment venues. It is even mentioned in a Beatles’ tune.