My Personal Cancer Journey — A Respite Ahead

I am looking forward to next week, my week off from chemotherapy. Hopefully, some of the nagging side-effects will disappear or at least be less noticeable. The globs of hair around the drain make me wonder if I will have any left when these treatments are over. Even my taste buds have changed. Food doesn’t taste as good these days. I was a heavy coffee-drinker (8 or more cups per day), but lately I don’t care for coffee and choose iced tea or lemonade instead.

The joint pain has diminished although I am still tired and weak from the anemia. My rectal bleeding also seems to have abated, so it may have been due to hemorrhoids and not the chemo. The bottom line is that I am not the person I used to be. My world is topsy-turvy and filled with uncertainty. Perhaps the short break from my cancer treatment will stabilize a few things for me.

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