My Personal Cancer Journey — Another Hopeful Story

My wife, Lee, came home with another encouraging story yesterday. Her hairdresser’s mother was diagnosed with Stage 4, terminal lung cancer about a year before my death sentence. She is 82 years old. Like me, she qualified, luckily, for the chemo pill, Tarceva (my magic pill).

She has been taking Tarceva for fourteen (14) months!! I was told that the average person is on the pill for about a year before the pill becomes ineffective. She, however, is still doing great! She is off ALL pain medication, something I am hoping will happen to me at my next appointment in June.

This story makes me think that, perhaps, I can take the Tarceva for much longer than a year. At that point, there may be other options available to me. So don’t count me out, yet!

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