Lee suggested that we both start to consider burial arrangements and those kinds of things. Initially I told her that I did not want to get involved in those things yet, but I finally gave in.
We created a list of our preferences for burial, things such as, what kind or color casket we would like, music at our funeral, etc. Lee even wanted to write our obituaries. I know people do this these days; they write their own obituaries ahead of time and make all the funeral arrangements so the family does not have to make those decisions. Anyway, I did go along with her and made a list of things — in many cases, I just said “you do whatever you want with me because I don’t particularly care,” but there were some things that I actually decided on which were probably important to discuss. For instance, as a Veteran, I would like a US flag at my funeral. I would also like my chorus to sing at my wake. Things like that are fairly important to decide ahead of time so I guess Lee was right.