My Personal Cancer Journey — Excellent News

Ecstatic is an appropriate word to describe the feelings that Lee & I had after my appointment with the Oncologist yesterday. Friday’s CT Scan showed that all my tumors and nodules are shrinking; some are less than half their original size. Obviously this means that my magic pill, Tarceva, is doing a great job on my Lung Cancer.

My doctor is also pleased that there are no pain issues at this time — he even eliminated Gabapentin from my plethora of pills — one down and several to go.

Of course, there was the usual caution that this will not last, that my magic pill will eventually cease to work, but nothing could dampen our enthusiasm yesterday. It’s simply great to get good news.

We also decided that my Melanoma is not significant and can be ignored, at least for now. Since all the malignancies responded to Tarceva and Tarceva does not work on Melanoma, these nodules and tumors are all due to my Lung Cancer.

I would like to personally thank all my readers, family, and friends for their prayers, cards, emails, and positive energy. It helps my spirits, and, who knows, it may even affect the progress of my Cancer.

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