My Personal Cancer Journey — Pleasant Interlude

Yesterday was not one of your run-of-the-mill Saturdays. My daughters and their families came over for an afternoon of play and games. They had suggested that we do this once in a while just to spend more time together now that I have cancer. This was our first attempt and I would classify it as very successful.

There is something about being with young children that makes you forget about your troubles; they are delightfully distracting. Despite the fact that our ages ranged from four to pretty-darn-old, we all had a good time. After our pizza lunch, we began by playing a game similar to Pictionary. It was cute and fun, and even the 4-year-old was able to help his team.

Later, the kids played war with a deck of cards and the adults played what we call “The Dice Game,” an interesting and simple game involving the rolling of 5 dice.

All in all, Game Day provided a welcome relief from the hum drum of a typical Saturday and will probably become a fixture in our lives now that the first get-together worked out well. Thanks to my grandsons and their Moms for supplying us with a Pleasant Interlude.

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