The matter is finally resolved! When I think back on the amount of time and energy devoted to my running out of medication, I am overwhelmed. Lee and I must have logged 20+ hours on the telephone in the past four (4) days. We spoke to countless people across the country, some notably helpful and genuinely concerned, and some not so much.
In the end, it was one of the first Specialty pharmacies that we learned about, that came through for us. Yesterday morning, we traveled to downtown Boston, to a Chinatown CVS, to pick up a 30-day supply of my “magic pill,” Tarceva. I am, thankfully, back on my cancer medication, and I am totally relieved.
Of course, there are still issues to deal with. I am still extremely upset with my mail-order pharmacy for their unsatisfactory handling of this matter. I plan to call them tomorrow and make a formal complaint. At this point, I am considering using another pharmacy for my Tarceva in the future — I don’t like the fact that red tape and the US Mail Service can have such a devastating effect on my well-being.
At least we can both breathe easier and know that my cancer is being dealt with, chemically, on a cellular level. To those who have been following my progress, this little detour on my “personal journey,” thank you for your thoughts and your comments..