This new series is a throwback to the game, “Where in the World is Carmen San Diego?” I will give a brief description of a place, including its latitude and longitude and several “interesting” facts about the location. I will also try to include a picture or two from my visit to the place. You, the reader, can then hazard a guess to answer the question posed in the game.
I will reveal the correct location on the following day. Hopefully, this type of post will encourage interaction and perhaps stimulate comments. Good Luck!
The answer to yesterday’s place (#31) is Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Where in the World is Gary? #32
Latitude — 60º 10′ North
Longitude — 24º 56′ East
Havis Amanda is a popular meeting spot in this place.
There is no separation of church and state on Senate Square here.
A church tunneled out of rock has become a major attraction.
Uspenski is well-represented here.
SALT talks were initiated here in 1969.