State Capitals — Western US

Although it was never my intent, I have visited many state capitals in my travels around the US. Some of them were truly memorable and some were just average. Because the capital typically contains the government center and because much effort and investment is made in these government buildings, they are frequently must-see attractions for the tourist. It is also interesting that, in the United States, state capitals are seldom the largest city in the state. I’m not sure why that is, but it seems different around the world.

Salt Lake City, Utah — The focal point of the Mormon religion is this well planned city in northern Utah.

Utah State Capitol

Utah State Capitol

Santa Fe, New Mexico — This rather small, but charming city captures the essence of life in New Mexico and preserves its native culture.

Santa Fe Cathedral

Santa Fe Cathedral

Juneau, Alaska — This is the only state capital in the US which is landlocked — can only be reached by boat or airplane.

Alaska State House

Alaska State House

Honolulu, Hawaii — The largest city in the islands and the major embarkation point for travelers is this exciting city which boasts Waikiki Beach and Diamond Head.

Iolani Palace, Honolulu

Iolani Palace, Honolulu

Other Western US state capitals I have visited for which I have no pictures:

Sacramento, California

Olympia, Washington

Denver, Colorado

Salem, Oregon




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