Temples of the World — Latin America & Europe

Temples are places for meditation, contemplation, adoration, and worship. Many are associated with particular religions which simply refer to their “churches” as temples. It may be surprising that there are so many “temples” around the world.

Temple of the Sun, Teotihuacan, Mexico — This ancient Aztec city features several well-preserved temples, including this one.

Temple of the Sun

Temple of the Sun

Temple of the Warriors, Chichen Itza, Mexico — The Mayans had their temples too.

Temple of the Warriors

Temple of the Warriors

Temple of Dabod, Madrid, Spain — This temple originally stood in Egypt but was disassembled and erected here in Spain, as a gift from the Egyptian government.

Temple of Dabod

Temple of Dabod

Temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens, Greece — The Greeks had many “gods” and so erected temples to them all over the country. This was one of the largest ever constructed.

Temple of Olympian Zeus

Temple of Olympian Zeus

Temple of Apollo, Delphi, Greece — This temple was the centerpiece of the Oracle at Delphi and was a popular place to assemble for superstitious minds.

Temple of Apollo

Temple of Apollo





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