World Capitals — Western Europe

Although it was never my intent, I have visited many world capitals in my travels around the globe. Some of them were truly memorable and some were just average. Because the capital typically contains the government center and because much effort and investment is made in these government buildings, they are frequently must-see attractions for the tourist. It is also interesting that, outside of the United States, a country’s capital is often its largest city.

Western Europe’s capital cities are among the most well-known and most visited places on the planet.

London, England — London is certainly one of the world’s most important cities for travelers. It has everything that a tourist would want, including numerous must-see attractions, great shopping, world-class hotels and restaurants, and a variety of interesting activities.

Big Ben, Symbol of London

Big Ben, Symbol of London

Edinburgh, Scotland — This interesting and ancient city is quintessentially Scottish. Stroll the Royal Mile to see most of the city’s major attractions.

Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Castle

Paris, France — The world’s most romantic city is a must-see for all true travelers. The concentration of significant attractions is mind-boggling.

Eiffel Tower, symbol of Paris

Eiffel Tower, symbol of Paris

Brussels, Belgium — This city has become an important world business center since it is at the apex of the European Union.

Manneken Pis, Symbol of Brussels

Manneken Pis, Symbol of Brussels

Luxembourg City, Luxembourg — Although the country is small, Luxembourg’s capital is an important stop along the tourist routes of Europe.

City Hall, Luxembourg City

City Hall, Luxembourg City

Madrid, Spain — Located in the geographical center of Spain, Madrid is another world class capital city. Its regal architecture, great museums, and variety of activities require a stay of at least three (3) days for the average tourist.

Plaza de Toros de las Ventas, Madrid's Bullring

Plaza de Toros de las Ventas, Madrid’s Bullring






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